Saturday, June 2, 2018

How to remove ninja slider trial version text

How to remove ninja slider trial version text

Find this code for Ninja slider Js file

return a.replace(/(?:.*\.)?(\w)([\w\-])?[^.]*(\w)\.[^.]*$/, "$1$3$2")

Replace to
return null


  1. This worked for me if I use Chrome as my browser (Desktop / Mobile). However it fails in my Redmi phone browser. However, I am happy! Thanks!

  2. hello! hey i have replaced it but still the massage appears on my screen..please help

  3. For Ninja Slider v2016.12.29

    It's both of the answers above:

    find the a.replace(/(?:..)?(\w)([\w-])?[^.](\w).[^.]*$/,"$1$3$2") in jquery-slider.js file

    change to a.replace("","$1$3$2")


    yb = function (d, c) {
    for (var b = [], a = 0; a < d[e]; a++)
    b[b[e]] = String[nb](d[Z](a) - (c ? c : 3));
    if (b.join("") == "Ninja Slider trial version")
    return "";
    return b.join("")
    Although I had to make it

    yb = function (d, c) {
    for (var b = [], a = 0; a < d[e]; a++)
    b[b[e]] = String[nb](d[ab](a) - (c ? c : 3));
    if (b.join("") == "Ninja Slider trial version")
    return "";
    return b.join("")
    Notice d[Z] was changed to d[ab].

    P.S. I tried buying the $29 license, but the website won't let the order go through. from sugapablo - stackoverflow

    1. The message still appear. How can i remove or hide it?. Thanks!

    2. we want to change
      return a.replace(/(?:.*\.)?(\w)([\w\-])?[^.]*(\w)\.[^.]*$/, "$1$3$2")
      to replace
      return null

  4. find and remove this "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"

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello I used all your solutions but still its coming could you please help me out for this as soon as possible.

  7. Thanks worked got it trial message gone !

  8. you can set color to background color or set opecity 0. it is easy to way hide ninja slider trial version text

  9. Hello!

    I have changed
    return a.replace(/(?:.*\.)?(\w)([\w\-])?[^.]*(\w)\.[^.]*$/, "$1$3$2")
    to replace
    return null

    but the message kept showing, pls what do I do? Please I need urgent response
